With 2,246 wins (through the end of the 2009 season), he presently ranks 5th in all-time Major League Baseball all-time managerial wins. While the LA Dodgers lost in the National League Championship Series this year, it is revealing to see what Mark Loretta, one of his current players thinks of Torre's leadership style:
"His reputation is something that younger managers I've played for couldn't have," Loretta said. "They don't have the experience he has. His demeanor, his presence, that's another thing that makes him different. He's very even-keel, upbeat, positive. He doesn't say a lot of things, but when he does, people really listen. It has impact.
"You know he's in charge, too. I've played for guys whose leadership skills left something to be desired. He doesn't panic. His mood doesn't impact the team like some managers do. Some guys get disappointed, their lips drag, they get mad at the team and get gruff. That rubs off on a team. You don't see that with Joe."

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