Most performers believe success and excellence are
interchangeable terms. After all, if I'm successful I'm excellent--right?
Success is an absolute term. If you are the highest
producing salesperson, win the game or beat the earnings forecast you are
successful. Success in the performance world is about achieving outcomes better
than others by comparison.
Excellence, on the other hand, is a relative term. It is
about maximising your personal and organisational potential. If you are the
highest producing salesperson but you can sell more, you have not fulfilled
your sales potential. If you win the game but could have scored more points,
you have not fulfilled your athletic potential. If you beat the earnings
forecast but leave some organisational profit on the table, you have not
fulfilled the potential of your company.
If you are excellent
you deliver the best performance you are capable of, regardless of the absolute
If you are excellent,
you will be successful but you can be successful without being excellent.
Commit to excellence--it's more meaningful. And, by the way, it's also more