How winners 'ACHIEVE' success:
A - acceptance; the ability to accept that you do not always succeed the first time and you must keep on trying until you do succeed.
C - criticism; the ability to receive negative feedback and
use it positively to affect your performance.
H - help; use a good coach to work towards your goals - it
is not a sign of weakness or lack of ability to use a coach.
I - inspiration; be inspired by other people. If someone who
you often beat wins against you take inspiration that it means you are good
enough to do the same.
E - evaluate; honestly take stock of where you are with your skills and then work on the aspects that need to be improved.
V - vivid; have a clear image of what you want to achieve,
how you are going to achieve it and who you need to help you to do so.
E - equal; all people have the ability to do great things.
Our future is not pre-determined for us. Genetics plays a role but hard work
plays an even bigger role.