Leaders intent on optimising performance and results need to recognise the importance of aligning everyone around a single set of core leadership values; defined as the behaviours and activities essential to the organisation's success.
Here are four steps to align behaviours with core leadership values:
1) Start by listing your core leadership values and related performance measures.
2) Next brainstorm the associated behaviours that support these core leadership values.
3) Share this list with other people in the organszation and solicit their feedback.
4) Incorporate the core leadership behaviours into your performance appraisals and assessments.
This process can be done regularly and will result in an organisation whose behaviours are well aligned around its core leadership values.
For more on the Values of Positive Leadership™ and how our approach of building strategy around these values can help maximise profitability, please contact: graham.watson@positiveleadership.co.uk