Perfection is unrealistic. If you are attempting to perform to your greatest ability, you are going to make mistakes along the way. It is not the mistake but rather the manner in which you handle it that shows your strength as a leader.
- Acknowledge your mistakes. As soon as you realise that you have made a mistake or as soon as someone brings it to your attention, acknowledge it. The absolute worst thing that you can do is ignore or attempt to hide it. What is bad today will only be worse tomorrow!
- Attack your mistakes head on. Spend time mapping out your corrective course of action before you start blindly trying to fix your error.
- Take responsibility for your mistakes. Attempting to divert attention or shift the blame onto someone else will only make you look worse.
- Learn from the experience. Reflect upon your mistake. Ask yourself what you can do to avoid making the same mistake in the future.
- Don’t beat yourself up. Mistakes, even big ones, happen. You may be upset with yourself. Others may be disappointed. But at the end of the day, you cannot undo what has already been done. Go forward knowing that you are a wiser person for it!
Learn to effectively manage your mistakes and you will set an inspiring example for others!