This is the conclusion of a truly inspirational essay by the co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market, John Mackey.
The essay is to be commended -
‘We have the opportunity to create more conscious and higher trust organisations in the 21st century. To do so will require three major changes.
First the organisation must become conscious of what its higher purposes are. Without consciousness of higher purposes, organisations will not reach their fullest potential because the creative energy within the organisation will not be fully expressed.
Secondly, we’ll need our leaders to evolve to higher levels of consciousness and trust themselves. We will not be able to create high trust organisations without more conscious and high trust leaders. Less conscious leaders will tend to hold their organisations back.
Thirdly, we will need to evolve the cultures of our organisation in ways that create processes, strategies, and structures that encourage higher levels of trust. These will necessarily include the important ideals of teams, empowerment, transparency, authentic communication, fairness, love and care.’