The acronym G-R-O-W to remind us of an effective strategy for one-on-one coaching.
'All coaching is, is taking a player where he can’t take himself.' Bill McCartney
Goal – In one-on-one coaching ask the person you’re coaching, “What do you want?” and "How will you know when you’re there?" Try to limit the number of goals to no more than two per one-on-one session.
Reality – Examine the current reality. It is the role of the coach to cut through the “fog” and help the person being coached to better define what is really going on. Ask questions like: “What are the numbers? What are the facts? What are you feeling?”
Options – Explore the options for achieving the goals. Ask questions like: "What have you tried in the past? What worked? What didn’t work?" Look at multiple options, and brainstorm together to find the best option.
Will - When you have chosen a path or an option, ask "When will you accomplish this goal?" Establish a deadline. This may be the most difficult question to ask, but if you fail to ask “Specifically, when will you do this?” you have not done all you can to coach this person towards success.

Positive Leadership: GROW through Coaching