When most people in the USA - sports fans, at least - think about the late Bill Walsh, they generally think about two things: (1) his creation of the "West Coast" offense, the fast-breaking, field-spreading plays that fundamentally changed football strategy on both sides of the ball; and (2) his three Super Bowl wins at the helm of the San Francisco 49ers during the 1980s.
He was a football icon, no doubt. But in the final analysis, he was really much, much more than that.
He was a leader of the highest order, possessing attributes and approaches we can all learn from, regardless of vocation.
Here is an assessment of Bill Walsh and what his legacy as a model leader should encompass:
Intelligence: Without question, Bill Walsh was one of the brightest and most cerebral of NFL coaches. In fact, prior to being hired, some in NFL leadership viewed this as a negative, unsure how his brilliance as a behind-the-scenes strategist would translate into an on-the-field leader. The cynics were proved wrong and his brainpower became a priceless asset during his tenure as head coach at both Stanford and the 49ers.
Innovation: The West Coast offense was, in Clay Christensen's parlance, a "disruptive technology." In a similar vein as the forward pass, the West Coast offense caused competitors to rapidly change their schemes lest they get blown off the field by a high-percentage, fast-scoring offensive strategy. This meant re-fashioning both their offense and their defense, giving the 49ers a sizeable lead that translated into three Super Bowl titles in eight years.
Mentoring: Mr. Walsh was likely the one coach that seeded more future NFL head coaches than any other, creating a "coaching tree" that is hard to believe if you follow professional football. He was also a ground-breaker in promoting the case of minority coaches, including Super Bowl-winning coach Tony Dungy, Dennis Green and Ray Rhodes. He invested in his people and brought the best out of them, remaining involved in their professional and personal lives far beyond their tenure with his teams.
Confidence: Bill Walsh was certainly not cocky, but displayed a confidence in himself that clearly impacted his players and coaches alike. It also helped in recruiting. Who could turn down an approach from Mr. Walsh, whose intellect and on-field success built an already sizeable confidence in himself into an unstoppable force. His confidence was contagious and helped elevate those working with him to a higher level.
Respect: Bill Walsh had respect for his players, his staff, his opponents and the game itself. Notwithstanding the more aggressive techniques of other coaches, he treated his players as intelligent with men who were better motivated by teaching and guidance than by threats and intimidation. He respected the media, answering questions and not lashing out even in the face of defeat. His coaches were treated as integral parts of the system, not simply as cogs in his coaching machine.
Recruitment: He was one of the best judges of talent that ever lived. Whether it was Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Steve Young or many others, his assessment of value and his ability to realise that value in his programme was unparalleled. But none of this would have mattered if the players weren't excited to play for him, giving their all that was critical to the success of his teams. But he had an uncanny sense of which players to field at what time, creating match-up problems that directly contributed to their historic achievement in the most important games.
Just a good guy: Players, fellow coaches, sportswriters... they all liked Bill Walsh. What wasn't there to like? He may not have been an electric guy but he was a good guy, a nice guy, a smart guy, a sometimes funny guy. He just got along with people, people from different walks of life who had their own agendas and motivations. But somehow, he almost always left a good impression that served him well at that moment and beyond.
There is nothing about the elements of Bill Walsh's success that are unique to football. They are applicable to all of us who either are or aspire to be leaders, be they of teams or entire companies.
It it sad that Bill Walsh died such a young man.

What Leadership Looks Like: Bill Walsh