Potential CEO candidates should seek out CEO-calibre
experiences before they need it.
Here are three tips that will make you a
better senior leader, strengthen you as a CEO candidate and serve you well if
you get the nod:
Stop doing more of
the same. Staying in your current role longer isn't the key to readiness.
Nor is round after round of career moves that build on what you already do
well. Honestly assess your weak spots, identify skills you need and seek out
challenges or roles that fill those gaps. If you need strategic planning
experience, step up to lead the company's scenario planning efforts. If you
need more international experience, lobby to lead the company's entry into a
new geographic market. Note that you need to learn and lead as you go — the
ability to succeed in unfamiliar territory is an essential CEO skill.
Learn to take a
direct hit. Until you are CEO, you have someone else to absorb some of the
shock of a poor strategic decision or an operational problem. For CEOs, the
shock absorber is gone. No one else can share the blame for poor performance.
To get a sense of this, make sure you are taking personal responsibility for
key, high-profile initiatives. Can you own the work without micromanaging it?
Can you take the hits rather than looking for cover?
Learn how to work
with a Board of Directors. Few CEO candidates understand board dynamics, so
start learning now by taking leadership roles on boards of local non-profits.
Ask your boss or mentor to help you gain a corporate board post where you can
use your expertise, but also gain new experience and perspectives. And if you
are on the short list of potential CEOs for your company, find ways to get to
know individual board members: work with them on committee projects, play host
when they visit your site, join them on trips to other company locations, ask
for a walk-through of their own business. Understanding different board
members' experiences, perspectives and personalities will give you insight into
the demands facing the CEO.