Most British bosses do not exhibit the key skills of good
communication, integrity and the ability to motivate, a survey of just over 1,000
UK employees by executive recruitment business Korn/Ferry Whitehead Mann has
Being a good communicator was the quality most commonly
associated with an effective leader among the survey sample, but just 21 per
cent felt their boss had this skill. A mere 13 per cent felt their boss was a
good motivator, although this was seen as the second most important attribute
for effective management.
Only 14 per cent of those asked felt their company head had
integrity and 9 per cent felt their boss was inspirational.
There was an acceptance that the portrayal of business
leaders on television and in films did not help raise their image among staff
with 29 per cent saying that the reputation of bosses was diminished by their
media portrayal compared with just 10 per cent who said it enhances it.