Change is an experience – and then some!
As leaders, we need to acknowledge that change is the way of the world. As leaders, we need to lead our people through new opportunities and we have to be the momentum and motivation, from the front. So, as leaders, what do we need to do to be better at driving change? Indeed, just who do we need to be?
Here are ten easy ideas for you to think about:
Build Relationships
Change is much, much easier if there is a strong relationship between a leader and their people. There is no easier way to make this work better.
Take Opportunities
In the workplace, valuable opportunities for change come frequently, so by taking them as you go along, it will make major changes much less necessary.
Have a Value-Creating Game Plan
A strong vision for the future shapes the steps needed for change. Depending on circumstances, these steps can be made early and minimise large-scale disruption.
Start Out Right
The easiest way to minimise the need for change is to be focused enough to get it right from the very start, making just minor adjustments as you go along.
Talk to People
Aside from building great relationships, talking and listening to people often elicits opportunities which might otherwise be missed.
Ask For What You Want
By clearly stating what exactly is needed is to change, solutions often come unexpectedly.
Do Big Changes Once
If a major change is needed, it is far better to do the job in one go than by taking half-measures, several times. This severely damages morale and creates on-going tensions. Bite the whole bullet; do it once.
Change Yourself
With preparedness for stepping back from your own beliefs and attitudes, it might be possible to be really creative about solutions – this can require a great deal of personal focus from you and is definitely worth it.
Measure Against Value
Any change must be worthwhile. By measuring the changes against their value-creating outputs objectively, clearer decisions and commitment from others will follow.
Have Good Reason
Making sure that change is not merely being used to overcome weak management – e.g. instead of using a disciplinary processes. Change will be more likely to be successful then.