Teams have intelligence just like individual people do. But
the intelligence factor of human groups is not simply the average of its
members, in fact that has only little to do with it. Researchers have now found
a way to measure team IQ and what it takes to achieve it.
What is team intelligence?
As individuals, intelligence defines our capacity for
abstract thinking, reasoning, learning, planning and rapid problem solving. In
essence, it characterises our ability to deal with cognitive complexity, an
indispensable quality for today’s global managers. Insofar as it applies to
teams, intelligence describes the ability of a group of individuals to tackle
and manage complex and non-routine situations together. Intelligent teams can
outperform their most knowledgeable members.
How to get a high Team IQ?
It is well known that for teams to function and perform to
the best of their ability, they must focus on structure, processes, leadership
and the right organisational support and context.
What research now
indicates, however, is that collective intelligence in teams can lead to higher
performance. We have evidence that speaking in turns by group members, the
proportion of females on a team and especially social sensitivity are all
elements that lead to higher team intelligence.
For more, see: