Today Ed Miliband will have to show he is the leader who can take Labour to victory. His speech to his party conference must convince not only his party faithful, and faithless, but the country at large. This is the moment when he needs to prove that he possesses sufficient Ed cred to rally doubters and disciples to his side. Mr Miliband must show today that he has the vision, passion and ruthlessness to go it alone. It is imperative to demonstrate that he has a leader's rhetoric and a leader's steel. The line between being a unifier and political Plasticine is narrow. Flexibility, the new leader's signal strength, could also prove his greatest weakness. Enemies will be eager to caricature Red Ed as a man in thrall to the unions with a brother's blood on his hands. If Ed Miliband is to succeed, and it looks increasingly likely that he can, he must show that he is daunted by nothing and in thrall to no one. "I am my own man," he has said. Today he has to prove it.