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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Influence is one of the values of Positive Leadership. All Black captains have influence and inspire followers:

Team Spirit
Team Spirit is one of the values of Positive Leadership. The New Zealand All Blacks are the epitome of this value:

Team Spirit
One of the values of Positive Leadership is Determination. These athletes embody the spirit that 'impossible is nothing':


Positive Leadership,
Positive Values,
Sport and Business,
Mental Toughness
'The most important attribute a player must have is mental toughness.' - Mia Hamm
One of the values of Positive Leadership is Mental Toughness.
There are seven characteristics of mental toughness in the Positive Leadership model. They are a set of behaviours and beliefs about yourself, your work, how you interact. A person who is mentally tough looks at competition as a challenge to rise up to rather than a threat to back down from. Like physical skills, mental toughness can be learned through quality instruction and practice.
The seven characteristics are:

One of the values of Positive Leadership is Mental Toughness.
There are seven characteristics of mental toughness in the Positive Leadership model. They are a set of behaviours and beliefs about yourself, your work, how you interact. A person who is mentally tough looks at competition as a challenge to rise up to rather than a threat to back down from. Like physical skills, mental toughness can be learned through quality instruction and practice.
The seven characteristics are:
- Competitive
- Confident
- Control
- Committed
- Composure
- Courage
- Consistency

Mental Toughness
Seize Your Leadership Day: Ann Mulcahy, John Chambers And Jacqueline Novogratz
Here are three great interviews with much to learn.
First up is Anne Mulcahy (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/22/business/22corner.html?_r=2&th=&emc=th&pagewanted=all), chairwoman and chief executive of Xerox Corporation, a company that she took over on the brink of extinction and turned around. “In 2002 this company lost almost $300 million, and by 2006 we were making over $1 billion.” Now that’s a turn around!
When asked what the secret was, Mulcahy said, “It isn’t a secret sauce. It’s actually fundamental communications, in terms of your ability to really get out there and be with your people, tell a story. People really have to begin to believe in a story to get passionate about the direction the company is going in, which hopefully you’ve been able to do through the way you articulate it, simplifying the complex so that people can get their arms around it and see how they can make a difference. There’s nothing quite as powerful as people feeling they can have impact and make a difference. When you’ve got that going for you, I think it’s a very powerful way to implement change.”
Next is a video interview with John Chambers of Cisco Systems (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/video/2009/03/25/VI2009032500990.html?hpid=topnews). The dot com bomb blasted Cisco and Chambers brought it back. In the interview Chambers talks about managing in this downturn, how collaboration is the next phase of management style, change, and identifying market transitions. He also discusses how business leaders need to “earn back” public trust, how he is adapting the company and why he’s “far from a perfect leader.”
Finally is a great McKinsey print and video interview with venture philanthropist Jacqueline Novogratz (http://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Women_and_leadership_Learning_from_the_social_sector_2336)
“As a venture philanthropist, Acumen Fund’s Jacqueline Novogratz leads entrepreneurial projects across the globe—many of which put women at the helm of emerging local businesses. In this video interview, she discusses her experience developing other women leaders, the way they have shaped her own approach to leadership, and the different leadership cultures she sees at play in the public and private sectors.”

Seize Your Leadership Day: Ann Mulcahy, John Chambers And Jacqueline Novogratz

Leadership Lessons,
Women in Leadership
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