Visualisation techniques can help you become a better manager of your time.
Sometimes, the hardest part of a job is getting started. You've made your list of things to do. You are very clear about which tasks are "High Priority" and which are not. You know what job to do first, but somehow, you just never get started. You may divert yourself by starting less important tasks, or you may simply procrastinate until you've put so much pressure on yourself you "have to" begin. And with that much pressure on, the chances are you won't do your best work.
Next time you find yourself in this kind of a situation, try using visualisation to help you out. Visualise yourself completing the task. Vividly picture in your mind how good it will feel, what your rewards will be, how smoothly and confidently you will see the job through to the end.
Feel the satisfaction of a job well done. Feel the efficacy and sense of competency you will be generating in yourself. See exactly what it will look and feel like when the task is completed. Do this with your full concentration over and over. You will find it useful, and once started, a project tends to develop its own momentum.
You'll move forward much more quickly if you visualise the end-result before you start. Try it. Take charge of your time and your energy and enjoy the rewards that you'll earn.

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