It is interesting to study the leadership strengths and strategies of coaches who inspire teams to succeed. Those strengths and strategies are applicable in any work situation and provide the same results — continuous success.
But first, here is a look at what manipulative coaches/leaders do as opposed to what inspirational coaches/leaders do. Manipulative leaders want people to know who the boss is, and they use their positional power to make people do things. They boast of their education and achievements. They intimidate people and point out what is wrong with other people. People are on the team or work for manipulative coaches/leaders because they have to. Work/playing is a task the team players/employees don’t look forward to because it’s not fun.
However, inspirational coaches/leaders have seven proven attributes that inspire teams/employees to perform to the best of their potential.
Here are the key attributes:
Here are the key attributes:
• They influence people with their 'personality power' but not with their position or knowledge power.
• Their talk and actions reflect their deep conviction that they are not above the team. Instead of saying, “You go do this and that,” they say, “Let’s all go and ...”
• They create a positive team or work environment with their positive influence.
• When things are wrong, they point at what’s wrong, not at individuals.
• They inspire people for maximum productivity (play/work) because they help others want to succeed.
• They encourage people with timely feedback, whether encouragement or otherwise.
• They develop people for success in life, beyond a given task. They are interested in an individual’s overall success.
Bonus: They make people feel valued, important and positive contributors to the organisation’s bottom line.

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