Respondents indicated a significant focus on leadership development in 2010, particularly at middle management level. They also anticipate focusing on high-potentials as they grow and develop to lead their businesses into an uncertain future.
The survey, amongst 2,500 HR and learning development professionals, was designed to provide an up-to-date perspective of the executive education and development landscape. Over 60% of those completing the survey were HR Directors, Vice-Presidents or Heads of HR or Learning & Development in some of the UK's largest employers.
Key findings of the Priorities Survey 2010 included all respondents stating that leadership development is the most important priority. The development of middle managers is also considered extremely important with 67% naming it as their first or second priority, compared to only 35% rating leadership development for senior managers in their top 5. The importance of succession planning and attracting new talent are key priorities for 2010, both rising in importance from 2009.
The survey results indicate that organisations are aligning their Learning and Development priorities with their business objectives more closely than they have ever done before.
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