'Not many top-class leaders in our society today. Some political parties don't have a single one. English cricket has two in Andrew Strauss and Andy Flower. Strauss was only installed as England's captain in January, Flower as coach in April, yet already they have brought home the bacon – and are intent on bringing more hams and chops.
Our sporting world contains so many wasted and platitudinous words. Strauss and Flower have such lucidity of thought and expression that their vision – the attribute essential in a leader – soon becomes apparent.
When Flower was interviewed for his job, he set out his vision to the five-man committee. "I took some of the notes from that interview to South Africa for the Champions Trophy to see if I was living up to my word, and although there were one or two areas which I had to look at, in the main I think I had actioned what I said I was going to.
"There were some important principles, like putting the team before the individual. I was concerned at the possibility of individuals becoming mini-corporations, and that would negatively affect the team – and it was negatively affecting the team." No names, but those of 'Andrew' and 'Flintoff' spring to mind.
"So one of the principles we have to operate by is that the team always has to come first. Also, I wanted an ethos of constant improvement, not maintenance, because there could be a tendency for players to be motivated by holding on to their central contracts." '
For more, see - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/cricket/international/england/6474601/Andy-Flower-still-striving-to-improve-the-England-team.html

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