The study suggests that the greatest risk factors for more than a quarter of managers is that they are so dutiful, compliant and appeasing that they are likely to have difficulty ‘speaking truth to power’ or in making independent decisions. Another quarter is too aloof, detached and socially awkward to be effective in dealing with ‘people’ issues. And a further quarter are charming and persuasive, but to such an extent that they are easily seen as manipulative, calculating and disingenuous.
A Decade of the Dark Side’ also assessed employees on leadership programmes within four major organisations: a global car manufacture; global consumer good manufacturer; global investment bank; and a financial services organisation. While employees identified as having leadership potential varied across different organisations, there are three characteristics particularly in evidence.
- Firstly, all are at or above the Total Sample level in the independent-decision making and faith in their own beliefs.
- Secondly, all show greater stability and resilience and are likely to be valued for their calmness and evenness of temper.
- Finally, all show greater flexibility and a capacity to adjust to fit in with others, rather than being determined to work to their own agenda.
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