There are 4 components to transformational leadership, sometimes referred to as the 4 I's:
- Idealized Influence (II) - the leader serves as an ideal role model for followers; the leader "walks the talk," and is admired for this.
- Inspirational Motivation (IM) - Transformational leaders have the ability to inspire and motivate followers. Combined these first two I's are what constitute the transformational leader's charisma.
- Individualized Consideration (IC) - Transformational leaders demonstrate genuine concern for the needs and feelings of followers. This personal attention to each follower is a key element in bringing out their very best efforts.
- Intellectual Stimulation (IS) - the leader challenges followers to be innovative and creative. A common misunderstanding is that transformational leaders are "soft," but the truth is that they constantly challenge followers to higher levels of performance.
Why? Because transformational leaders hold positive expectations for followers, believing that they can do their best. As a result, they inspire, empower, and stimulate followers to exceed normal levels of performance and, transformational leaders focus on and care about followers and their personal needs and development.
See if you have transformational leadership qualities (Agree or Disagree).
- 1. I would never require a follower to do something that I wouldn't do myself.
- 2. My followers would say that they know what I stand for.
- 3. Inspiring others has always come easy to me.
- 4. My followers have told me that my enthusiasm and positive energy are infectious.
- 5. My followers would say that I am very attentive to their needs and concerns.
- 6. Even though I could easily do a task myself, I delegate it to expand my followers' skills.
- 7. Team creativity and innovation are the keys to success.. I encourage my followers to question their most basic way of thinking.
To learn more about transformational leadership, read: Transformational Leadership

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