At Positive Leadership, our leadership philosophy identifies the following areas as essential to quality, effective leadership:
- Mission. A clear mission helps the leader to focus the team so that they can ignore distractions and pay attention to what’s most important.
- Values. When a leader demonstrates values that are in sync with the company’s mission and the team’s goals, everyone benefits.
- Planning and goal-setting. With clear goals and effective planning, leaders make their expectations understood and team members know what to do at all times.
- Delegating authority. The job of leadership is usually too big to handle alone. By sharing responsibilities with the team, a leader instills a sense of purpose and empowerment.
- Team building. Establishing trust, playing to individual strengths, encouraging people to work together – all are important aspects of team building.
- Giving feedback. Constructive, concise and timely feedback is essential to each team member’s success, and to the success of the team as a whole.
- Coaching team members. A good leader must take on the role of trainer now and then, providing expert advice, encouragement and suggestions for improvement.
- Motivating people. By providing a good example, learning each team member’s needs and giving rewards and incentives when appropriate, a leader can inspire people to achieve higher levels of performance.
- Working for the team. Great leaders encourage participation, facilitate communication and provide an environment where team success is more likely to occur.
- Resolving conflict. Conflict between team members is inevitable, and not always a bad thing. A leader’s job is to resolve the conflict in a just and reasonable way so that productivity and morale do not suffer.

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