New Zealand scientist and an all-round disruptor, Sir Ray
Avery, has a unique approach to keeping himself on track and motivated - he
counts down how many days he has left on the planet to ensure that he makes the
most out of life.
“I’ve got about 5,625 days to live,” the 65-year old told an
audience of entrepreneurs recently. “When you’re born, you’re born with 30,000
days. That’s it. The best strategic planning I can give to you is to think
about that… Every day I do a chart on what I’ve achieved and where I want to
be. And it makes you scary-as-shit clever.”
Most of us don’t like to think about ‘the end’, but the idea
of a reverse engineered calendar means that instead of having x amount of days
left, we have x amount of days to fill with life. An inspirational thought.

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