To some extent, each of us is affected by the environment
around us. But when your happiness depends on what goes on around you, you are
in trouble.
Have you ever thought about what happens when we let what
goes on in our environment determine how we feel on the inside? When things are going well, we feel good,
cheerful, positive, and full of enthusiasm.
But when the least little thing goes wrong, we start to come un-glued.
If this happens, we can start feeling like a victim, and
when we feel this way we give up control of our lives.
If you are not having problems, you are missing an
opportunity for growth; an opportunity to take charge of how you respond and
what you do, regardless of what is happening in your environment.
You know, there is only one thing in life over which we have
complete control, and that is what goes on inside our minds. When you choose to
take charge of your thoughts, of the things you tell yourself, you become very
powerful. Certainly, you may feel disappointment when things go wrong, but you
can choose to see all the setbacks as temporary. You can choose to use them as
opportunities to grow, and you'll develop the ability to quickly bounce back
when you hit an obstacle, as well as the incredible strength that comes from
standing up to adversity.
The choice really is yours to make - it has been, and will
continue to be.

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