It isn't easy being an alpha male. Getting to the top and
staying there takes a physical toll.
The latest evidence comes from wild baboons in Kenya's
Amboseli basin. Researchers from Princeton and Duke universities studied 125
males in five groups over nine years and found that while the alpha males got
the best food and the most mates, they experienced far more stress than the
beta males just beneath them in the hierarchy, based on the levels of cortisol,
a stress hormone, in fecal samples.
The beta males had almost as many mates and got just as much
grooming from others, but they didn't have to spend as much time fighting or
following females around to keep other males away.
"Being an alpha is exhausting. I'd rather be a
beta," says Laurence Gesquiere, lead author of the study that appeared in
the journal Science in July.
In the work world,
alpha males are ambitious, assertive, confident and competitive. Here's a quiz
that helps define who's an alpha male:
Alpha Strengths
1. No matter what, I don't give up until I reach my end
2. I always say exactly what I think.
3. I have no problem challenging people.
4. I make the decision I believe is correct, even when I
know other people don't agree.
5. I seldom have any doubts about my ability to deliver.
Alpha Risks
6. I believe that my value is defined by the results I
7. I don't care if my actions hurt people's feelings, if
that's what's required to produce results.
8. When people disagree with me, I often treat it as a
challenge or an affront.
9. If I have a good idea and I'm asked to hold off and
listen to inferior ideas, I can quickly become visibly annoyed.
10. People say I become curt, brusque, or frustrated when I
have to repeat myself.
If all or nearly all of your responses to statements 1 to 5
were "yes," you are probably an alpha with many of the strengths that
make alphas such dynamic and influential leaders.
If all or nearly all of your responses to items 6 to 10 were
"yes," you mostly likely have some alpha risks that deserve your
Don't be confused if you scored high in both categories.
Because alpha liabilities are mainly alpha assets taken too far or applied
inappropriately, that is to be expected. (The exceptions to the rule are
healthy alphas who have worked hard to reduce their negative tendencies.)
Source: Kate Ludeman:
Adapted from the 'Alpha Assessment' at

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