One figure who stood tall as an example of effective
leadership during the crisis is former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani.
Regardless of your political leanings, Guiliani's leadership
during the 9/11 tragedy is something leaders from all walks of life can learn
In his book titled Leadership, Giuliani writes, "It is
in times of crisis that good leaders emerge."
Giuliani demonstrated that during times of crisis, leaders
must do four critical things: be highly visible, composed, vocal, and resilient.
Giuliani writes, "While mayor, I made it my policy to
see with my own eyes the scene of every crisis so I could evaluate it
During a crisis, leaders must be out front rather than
running or hiding from the ordeal. They must go to the scene of disaster and
stand front and centre - to accurately assess the situation as well as show
their concern, while also demonstrating confidence that the group will
Business author Tom Peters writes of Guiliani's courage to
be visible: "Rudy 'showed up' - when it really mattered, on 9/11. As one
wag put it, he went from being a lameduck, philandering husband to being Time
magazine's 'Man of the Year' in 111 days. How? Not through any 'strategy,'
well-thought-out or otherwise. But by showing his face. By standing as the
embodiment of Manhattan's Indomitable Spirit."
As a leader, be sure you don't retreat when faced with a
crisis. Rather than hide from the chaos and confusion, be sure to step in to
sort things out and find a solution.
Again, political preferences aside, the importance of being
visible during a crisis can also be learned from George W. Bush's presidency.
Like Giuliani, Americans rallied around President Bush when he went to Ground
Zero and grabbed a bullhorn amid the rubble to reassure the nation.
Contrast that with President Bush's lack of a timely
response to Hurricane Katrina. Bush was noticeably absent during the first few
days of the crisis and his poll numbers took a big hit.
Bottom Line: Step up during a crisis to survey the scene and
be there for your people.
Guiliani writes: "Leaders have to control their
emotions under pressure. Much of your ability to get people to do what they
have to do is going to depend on what they perceive when they look at you and
listen to you. They need to see someone who is stronger than they are, but
human, too."
No matter how difficult things may seem, you must maintain
your poise under pressure. People will look at your face as well as tune into
the tone of your voice to determine whether they should panic or remain calm;
to give in or maintain hope.
As Duke men's basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski reminds us in his book Leading with the Heart, "A leader must show the face his team needs to
Bottom Line: Be sure to show your team that you are calm and
in control, even though you may not exactly feel that way at the time. Your
calm demeanour will go a long way toward helping your team think clearly and
react appropriately during the crisis.
Giuliani writes, "I had to communicate with the public,
to do whatever I could to calm people down and contribute to a orderly and safe
evacuation [of lower Manhattan.]"
In addition to being visible and composed, leaders must step
up in an effort to calm people down and communicate with them.
Bottom Line: You must speak up and take charge of what
people are thinking and feeling at the time. You must reassure them and give
them a simple yet specific plan that will get people through the crisis.
Outline important action steps that they can take immediately to help
themselves and the team.
As difficult as the crisis can seem, remind people that
there is hope.
Giuliani writes: "I am an optimist by nature. I think
things will get better, that the good people of America and New York City will
overcome any challenge thrown our way. So in the face of this overwhelming
disaster, standing amid sixteen acres of smouldering ruins, I felt a mixture of
disbelief and confidence... that Americans would rise to this challenge."
While your athletic challenges pale in comparison to 9/11,
they can still discourage, distract, and debilitate those on your team.
Bottom Line: Give your team a sense of hope. Let them know
that they have the ability to make it through the crisis.
9/11 was undoubtedly a horrendous day in the USA’s history.
Yet, in the course of this tragedy, countless leaders emerged to help the
nation through.

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