Beware of the
"say/do" gap. This is all about credibility, which boils down to
trust — one of the most potent, precious and fragile elements of leadership. If
your actions don't align with your words, there's trouble. And it can turn into
big trouble if you don't recognise and correct it swiftly and genuinely. It is
often difficult to see the say/do gap in yourself, so rely on a few trusted
colleagues to tell it to you straight and flag discrepancies. Of course, you
have to be prepared to hear the feedback and address issues — which isn't always
easy. Rule of thumb: it's better to say nothing or delay your communication
until you're certain that your actions will ring true.
Take the complex and
make it simple. Being complex does not make you smart. There is power in
clarity and simplicity. People are already suffering from information overload,
and your job is to distil complex thoughts and strategies into simple terms
that your employees can relate to. The more memorable, the better. If you're
having trouble distilling something to its essence, it's a sign that you may
not have a clear understanding of it. That makes it impossible for you to
communicate it to others effectively. Leaders find it easy to get mired in
technical jargon and business-speak. Beware of this trap. Just say what you
Don't fake it. Find
your own voice. Use language that's distinctly your own. Let your values
come through in your communication. Forget about eloquence — worry about being
real. People want real. People respect real. People follow real. Don't disguise
who you are. People will never willingly follow a fake.
Be visible. Are
you visible to the people who matter most — those who will help you achieve
organisational goals? Visibility is about letting your key stakeholders get a
feel for who you are and what you care about. Today, it's easy to hide behind a
computer and transmit messages to others without seeing or interacting with
them. Although e-communication serves a valuable purpose, it is no substitute
for face-to-face communication. Show your people that you care about them and
their work.
Listen with your eyes
as well as your ears. Stop, look and listen. Remember that effective
communication is two-way. Good leaders know how to ask good questions, and then
listen with both their eyes and ears. It's easy to be so focused on getting
your message out — or persuading others — that you don't tune in to what you
see and hear. Because you're in a position of authority, you won't always get
direct feedback. You need to read between the lines. Listen and hear what is
coming back at you. Look for the nonverbal cues. Sometimes a person's body
language will tell you everything you need to know.

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