Vision, purpose and hard work (three of the Values of Positive Leadership™), although excellent in and off themselves, are not complete without a holistic view of an organisation’s leadership system.
Within such a system, a leader must be a continual learner, placing all of the Values of Positive Leadership™ into his arsenal of leadership tools. He must learn and understand the implications of each Value individually, but through his systemic mindset, he realises that the true magnifying power occurs only when the Values are viewed as a total system.
Leaders learn; leaders do; leaders teach - an unbeatable cycle when adopted by all leaders within an organisation. Leaders communicate the leadership strategy and how it aligns and interacts with the business strategy to deliver results, while identifying the systemic causes hindering the achievement of desired results.
Therefore, if a potential leader cannot think in a systemic fashion, he literally is unqualified for top leadership positions in today’s interconnected world.
For more on how Positive Leadership can help leaders throughout your organisation think systemically, please contact:

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