Here are some reflections from one of the UK’s most successful football managers ever, Sir Alex Ferguson, on successful leadership:
He believes he was born with a few leadership traits but the rest he learned.
He was born with high energy levels and a natural ability to take decisions. He takes quick decisions and never goes to sleep at night with a decision not made or doubt about one he has made. The rest he has learned. He built the foundations at an early stage:
He was born with high energy levels and a natural ability to take decisions. He takes quick decisions and never goes to sleep at night with a decision not made or doubt about one he has made. The rest he has learned. He built the foundations at an early stage:
• he was a player and so he understood the game
• he committed to personal training and development e.g. by doing all his coaching awards.
On leadership:
• He decided on the pursuit of a clear goal at each stage in his career (e.g. he left East Stirlingshire because he knew he couldn't go for the European Cup there!).
• He believes and invests in young talent and has always recruited good people around him. (All his key staff have now been with him for over 20 years.)
• He admits that he learns from his mistakes.
• He accepts that when you are the leader there are many myths that will surround you and untruths that will be said about you but you have to learn to live with that.
• He leads with a set of values - commitment to the organisation; a belief that his team can be the best; keeping his feet on the ground and leading with humility.
• He doesn't filter bad news, believing people should know where they stand.
• He believes no individual is bigger than the organisation and would not hesitate to remove someone (best player or not) if they started to behave like they thought they were.
• He believes there is now a clear "Spirit of Man U" that will go on beyond him, built by players like Scholes, Beckham and Giggs.
• And finally, when he was at Aberdeen, with a terrifically supportive Chairman in Dick Donald, their AGM record was 7 minutes! Not a bad goal for any business in itself!

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