Leadership isn’t a role; it’s a mindset. It is the commitment to discovering and living your own greatness, then inspiring greatness in others. This is a daily event. We all can be leaders. We all must be leaders – everyday leaders.
Leaders are clear about who they are, what they believe and how they make a difference; they know their unique talents, strengths and passions and how to use them to add their best value to the world. They focus on greatness, not on adequacy.
Leaders inspire greatness in others; They support and encourage others to know themselves, know their world and find their best fit. They constantly help others achieve their personal greatness, not by insisting that they be like everyone else, but rather by applauding and supporting others to discover their unique abilities – to be true.
Leaders model greatness behaviour; they insist on it in themselves and demand it in others; they hold themselves and others accountable. This has nothing to do with overt power. Rather it is authentic power, and a keen believe that each of us brings our best to the world when we are true to who we are. Leaders demand this of others because the result is a powerful and fulfilled life.
True leaders act like leaders everywhere in their lives. Leadership is a mindset. It a commitment to being your personal best, and inspiring that best in others – everywhere, all the time. They don’t turn it on and off. It is how they live their lives.

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