Leadership - Building Capacity
Wednesday, 2 June 2010, Crutherland House Hotel, East Kilbride, Scotland
School Leaders Scotland and Positive Leadership Limited have teamed up to help you tackle the challenges of A Curriculum for Excellence 2010/2013.
The introduction of ACfE in August 2010 will present school leaders with a range of challenges. Leading and managing change requires a whole set of skills which have been well rehearsed within Scottish education over the years. For this seminar SLS has looked outside the education community for fresh ideas and proven strategies relating to leadership in the context of our challenges over the next three years. The team from Positive Leadership Limited, Gavin Hastings, Lee Torbet and Graham Watson, bring leadership skills and strategies from the worlds of sport and business. They have developed a propriety leadership strategy which optimises both the performance of leaders throughout an organisation and the results of the organisation.
‘A strategy begins and ends with values – a prioritised listing of what is important to you. Once you know what you value as a leader, you can set goals to help you bring about end results that are aligned with your values. This is Positive Leadership.’
Such an approach also sits well with School Leaders Scotland's own view of a values driven leadership approach.
This seminar will help develop YOU as a leader. It will provide you with the opportunity to hear about this innovative approach to building a high performing school and how it can help you as a leader. You will have an opportunity to reflect on your current practice and clarify your thinking. You will be able to focus on where you are going, what you are trying to achieve and what your purpose is. You will be given opportunities to discuss and debate with fellow participants the values that are important to you. You should leave at the end of the day with a positive outlook on the way ahead and a plan of action to take back to your school.
A Curriculum for Excellence – Kick negativity into touch with the help of Gavin Hastings!
For booking information, please see: http://www.sls-scotland.org.uk/content/files/Leadership%20%20-%20%20Building%20Capacity.pdf

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