'How common is narcissism in chief executives? Are top bosses arrogant, pathological achievers who are desperate for admiration or are they just deservedly self-confident decision makers? Many politicians and bankers appear to be arrogant, self-important snobs. Did their narcissism, first manifest as self-confidence, actually help them to climb the greasy pole? Does the way we treat our chief executives turn their self-confidence into pathological narcissism? Could it be that we are the cause of the problem and not them?.......
So what is the bottom line? First, it’s not that difficult to spot narcissists at the top. Actually, it is very easy. Second, the line between healthy, self-aware self confidence and narcissism is a thin one. Third, perhaps we are to blame for accepting ever demanding narcissistic behaviour in our leaders just to have a quiet life. Fourth, buckle your belt when the narcissist is in charge. You may be lucky or not as you try to cling on to the roller-coaster.'
For the full article, see - http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/career_and_jobs/senior_executive/article7052280.ece

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