From The Herald (23 April 2010):
'Scottish Enterprise does not possess 2020 vision. The agency was bang on the money in its focus on technology commercialisation and creating a more globally competitive Scottish economy when it rolled out its three-year business plan yesterday. Scotland has a long history of enterprising small companies growing to a certain size before selling out to foreign competition or plodding along in the home market without the know-how or confidence to exploit the scope for exports.
If Scotland is to thrive in the 21st century global economy, it needs to nurture a new generation of globally-competent companies....
However, the acid test of SE’s work, if the agency’s stated ambitions are to be believed, is how many more .... big global players...we will have on our corporate stage. The secret of their success was not a big helping hand from the government but dynamic leadership, clear vision and vaulting ambition.
As it happens, this was precisely the point made to Holyrood’s Economy, Energy and Tourism Committee this week by Scottish Enterprise chairman, Crawford Gillies. He argued that for Scotland to raise the bar on productivity and target new markets at home and abroad, the Scottish business base needs better leadership.......
In the past Scotland has depended heavily on the public sector, particularly, for employment. With deep public spending cuts on the agenda, whoever walks into 10 Downing Street on May 7, that can no longer be relied on. The country has rarely been so dependent on business growth to fill the looming economic gap.'

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