Working for the man in charge of Cheerios, Trix and Lucky Charms might seem less glamorous than working for the man behind the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad, but according to new ratings from, General Mills' chief executive officer, Ken Powell, beats out Apple's Steve Jobs as the most popular boss in America.
Glassdoor, a Web site where employees post salary information and reviews of their companies and bosses, has just released its latest ratings of CEOs. The list is based on reviews voluntarily posted by employees who answer the following question: "Do you approve of the way this person is handling the job of leading this company?" One hundred percent of the General Mills employees who answered that question about Powell said "yes," putting their boss in the No. 1 spot. Stanford University President John Hennessy came in second; Jobs ranked third.
One thing all these top-rated bosses have in common is long careers at their companies. Example: Ken Powell joined General Mills in 1979 straight out of Stanford business school. The sixth-rated boss, James Truchard of National Instruments, which makes hardware and software for scientists and engineers, cofounded his company back in 1976.
One thing all these top-rated bosses have in common is long careers at their companies. Example: Ken Powell joined General Mills in 1979 straight out of Stanford business school. The sixth-rated boss, James Truchard of National Instruments, which makes hardware and software for scientists and engineers, cofounded his company back in 1976.
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