That crashing sound you hear is not an accident caused by sudden acceleration of your hybrid car; it is the continuing toppling of idols, such as hybrid car companies, off their pedestals. Listen hard, lest you be next.
Toyota, the world's leading auto company, faces a series of product problems causing a $2 billion recall, an investigation by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and a galling loss of face for a company from face-conscious Japan. This follows its first annual financial loss in 50 years, with profitability regained partly through cost-cutting.
And if these weren't enough reminders about fallen idols for one week, the Super Bowl did not feature the New England Patriots, whose period of NFL dominance snapped this autumn among hints of eroding focus and discipline.
All too often, long periods of continued success are undermined not by the competition but by self-inflicted wounds.
Winners become sinners when confidence turns into complacency and arrogance. They over-estimate their own invincibility and under-value mundane disciplines. Whenever someone feels on top over a long period of time, they are tempted to neglect the very fundamentals that helped them succeed in the first place. They might even start to feel that the rules don't apply to them.
Success means that people or teams or organisations survive long enough to need maintenance, repairs, and reinvestment. Winners undergo natural ageing processes, as people get older, slow down, leave. Facilities, tools, and bags of tricks get older, deteriorate, and run down. Newcomers might get less rigorous training while long-timers forget what they learned. As momentum runs down, people and buildings begin to look run down. Neglect takes on tangible physical manifestations, such as out-of-shape bodies or broken windows. Add to this the pressures in a recession to cut costs and defer expenditures.
Erosion begins by removing a process or discipline. Let's defer those roof repairs for another year... Let's cut out one practice; we already have so many... Let's save time by eliminating the weekly team meeting... The Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster was said to be caused by engineers neglecting small portions of routine safety checks because they had done so before, and nothing had happened. Oops.
Whether you head a company, lead a good cause, or coach your child’s football or hockey team, your job is to root out complacency. Remember to:
- Keep up the essential disciplines every single day, not skipping a single one.
- Keep checking everything carefully.
- Repair, renew, relearn, and reinvest regularly.
- Don't rejoice in others' misery, because you could be next.
- Thank anyone who points out flaws. Listen to disgruntled customers or disaffected constituencies.
- Treat even small setbacks as occasions for redoubled efforts.
“Winning is great, but sometimes it takes a loss to get you motivated again. It humbles you down to reality," said one high school athlete. That youth speaks truth! Although he might not be old enough to drive a Toyota, he is headed in the right direction.
For more on how winning streaks and losing streaks begin and end, see - Confidence: How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End

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