The Positive Leadership™ game plan for winning provides a seamless link between the values of Positive Leadership™, the strategically aligned results which must flow from these values and the ability to sustain these values and deliver these results, even when under pressure.
The market is the ultimate test or competitive arena for those who share the values of Positive Leadership™. Preparing to win and win consistently in such an arena requires exceptional talent, preparation and support. Being a successful competitor in business is at the heart of leadership, in the same way that it is in sport. Positive Leadership™ draws extensively on lessons from elite sport and recognises the importance of developing the ability to thrive under pressure and use the competitive arena as a source of advantage over others. The winning edge requires the ability to display mental toughness, confidence and poise.
Any Scots who follow this blog will know that in today’s Six Nations Rugby international versus Wales, Scotland unfortunately showed what happens to the desired result when a team fails to display the values of Positive Leadership™ when under pressure.
However of much more importance than the result is the health of injured Scotland winger Thom Evans. Our thoughts are with him.
However of much more importance than the result is the health of injured Scotland winger Thom Evans. Our thoughts are with him.

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