Here are some ideas for dealing with these tough days:
1. Every problem or crisis is an opportunity to build your leadership skills along with your confidence and credibility.
2. Problems create teachable opportunities. Don’t waste these opportunities.
3. It’s the challenges that you and your team conquered that you will remember. Make some memories!
4. Remember that you don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. If you’ve done your job and earned respect, your team members are there to help ease the burden. Ask for help.
5. People aren’t programmed to act and respond in ways that always fit your plans. Losing a great employee is painful, but if it has to happen, ensure that the relationship transitions to one of valued and always welcome friend.
6. Be thankful for feedback that says that you can improve. At least someone cares.
7. Leaders earn dividends over the long term. Your payoff comes a decade from now when the people that you are leading today are rising to new heights in their careers. They did the work but perhaps you played a small role along the way. Take pride in their accomplishments.

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