Motivating yourself:
1.Keep a positive outlook. When you experience challenges, you’ll find optimism works wonders.
2.Believe in yourself. Guess what – there’s no-one else in the world like you!
3.Set yourself meaningful and achievable goals – keep measuring your success.
4.Develop and follow an action plan.
5.Find ways to enjoy what you’re doing.
6.Keep your enthusiasm levels high. Celebrate your successes / achievements.
7.Be kind to yourself. Self-criticism will lead you nowhere.
8.Move on from your mistakes. Learn from them and grow.
9.Avoid negative people. Know when to cut lose and move away. Surround yourself with successful, positive people.
10.Never stop learning.
11.Know that you will succeed!
12.Set yourself new challenges.
Motivating others / motivating your team:
1.Let your positive outlook be infectious. Spread it around.
2.Tell and show your team you believe in them.
3.Work to set meaningful, measurable and achievable goals.
4.Develop an action plan with them and help them stick to it.
5.Keep it fun for them.
6.Acknowledge and recognise their achievements, privately and publicly.
7.Never criticise. Instead, commend their achievements, make recommendations and lead by example.
8.Don’t worry about their mistakes. They need to make them. Your role is to help them learn by doing.
9.Overcome any negativity with action plans, tips, training and new ideas.
10.Show them, by example, how to duplicate themselves.
11.Keep dreams alive by constantly reinforcing the big picture.
12.Encourage them to keep setting challenges for themselves.

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