2. Say what you mean and mean what you say. “Say what you mean” is about telling the truth; “Mean what you say” is about making a commitment, keeping your promise, honouring your word. Have something meaningful to say. Step to the lectern with the intention of making a difference to your audience.
3. Use the fewest words with the fewest syllables. Delete therefore, insert so. That’s real economy in writing. Remember that the basic unit of communication is not the word but the idea.
4. Align with your audience. We may consider it our task to speak to the audience, but it is sometimes more important to speak for them. Express those thoughts and feelings that you share with them. Great leaders know that leadership begins with the pronoun 'we'.
5. Be specific. Use stories, anecdotes and examples rather than generalities and abstractions. The great teachers and speakers pepper their talks with vivid, detailed examples.
6. Suit the action to the word, the word to the action. Be aware of your non-verbal communication. Your gestures, posture, facial expressions, energy, tone of voice, and a thousand other tiny, unuttered elements actually carry the true and specific meaning of your communication.
7. Structure your speech. One valuable way to make your talk memorable is to speak to a structure and make your listeners aware of it. People appreciate the scenery more with a glance at the road map every now and then.
8. Speak to be understood. Have the courtesy to develop your voice so that all may hear you. You groom your appearance, so why not cultivate your voice? With a little effort it can be strong, crisp, clear and various in texture, colour and range.
9. Speak for the benefit of others. Serve your audience well by keeping their interests foremost in your mind. This is the golden rule of speaking.
10. Speak from your highest self. The highest self is where hope resides. To lead effectively requires a courageous, positive, optimistic view. There must be a caveat attached to this rule, however: Beware of elevating yourself with a high horse. Be humble. On most occasions a modest demeanour improves communication.

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