1. Writing helps us learn. A key component of the learning process is reflecting on what has happened to us to determine what to repeat, and what to change next time. Writing about our experiences can really help us in this reflection in powerful ways.
2. Writing clarifies our thinking. Ideas can swirl in our mind and we can think about something, but when we put the pen to paper or our fingers on a keyboard and put our thinking into words, we become much clearer and our thoughts become more real and more actionable.
3. Writing makes us smarter. If you take the first two lessons - writing helps us learn and clarifies our thinking; the fact that writing makes us smarter is obvious. As we write we discover new things and new ideas. The process of writing allows for learning and the words we write provide more learning too.
4. Writing is about the process, not about the reader. As an author, this isn't completely true - as the author writes this he is thinking about you as his reader, and trying to write as clearly and persuasively as he can. One reason many people don't write is that they don't want others to read it, or don't think anyone else would want to read it. So to sell you on the decision to write, please know that all of the benefits listed so far are about you and not about the reader. If you write in a journal or a on a secret hidden document on your computer, you will get the benefits regardless of your grammar, style or spelling. If your goal is to have others read what you write, great! But don't think writing has to be about others - the personal benefits are huge!
5. We all have something to write about. We all have 24 hours of day experiences each day. We all have a lifetime of memories, thoughts and ideas. Sorting, compiling, referencing and using them is plenty of fodder for the type of writing that most of us can and need to do.
6. Writing is a habit. Most people when asked whether they would think of starting a blog say - I don't know what to write (see #5) or, I don't have time to write. If you believe in the benefits, you will find time to write. For all of the reasons listed above, (and a whole lot more), writing is important. And like anything important in our lives, we can make it a habit.
And lastly, this post isn't just about writing. The last lesson is to think about the skills that really matter most. Often the skills we think are most important or valuable, really aren't. People want to get better at their work and make assumptions as to the best ways to do that. Look beyond the technical aspects of your work, look deeper. Ask yourself; 'what are the underlying skills that help me really achieve my goals?' Another way to figure this out is to ask smart people who have been where you want to go - find a mentor and ask them.
Writing makes you a better business person and a better human being.

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