Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Friday, January 25, 2013

Positive Leadership: The Leader is There to Enable Others to Flourish

The Rev. Nicky Gumbel , Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton (the largest Anglican church in the UK) and a former barrister, tweeted his take on leadership as his opening to 2013 (@nickygumbel). 

This is a pin-the-on-the-wall-and-look-at-it-every-morning checklist.

•             L ove
•             E ncouragement
•             A uthenticity
•             D aring
•             E nthusiasm
•             R espect
•             S ervice
•             H ope
•             I ntegrity
•             P erseverance

Ancient scripture wisdom repackaged for the modern age. The Rev. Nicky is known internationally for developing the Alpha Course – the most popular introduction to Christianity course in the world. He has been described as a natural leader – confident but self-effacing holiness.

New areas of leadership study – Servant Leadership and Authentic Leadership – emphasise a deep sense of morality in the leader, and a concern for the welfare of others that is greater than the desire to self promote. The leader is there to enable others to flourish.