Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Positive Leadership: Motivating Your Team

Research shows us that there is a proven set of basic intrinsic needs employees have, which must be met in order for them to become highly motivated and passionate. These needs, much in the same way as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, are represented in a pyramid, where each level builds on the one before:

Level 1: To Be Respected – It’s almost as basic a human need as oxygen – all of us need to be respected by others, yet so many leaders unintentionally treat their team members with disrespect.

Level 2: To Learn and Grow – We are born with an innate curiosity that drives us to want to learn. It stays with us throughout our lives unless it has been extinguished by experiences or the influences of others.

Level 3: To Be An Insider – Insiders have a strong emotional connection to the organisation. They know they are part of the team and they feel valued and involved.

Level 4: To Do Meaningful Work – When employees understand the purpose of their work and how it makes a difference to others, they tend to be more motivated to do a great job.

Level 5: To Be on a Winning Team – When a team works together so well that they outperform even their own expectations of themselves, their motivation levels grow and grow.

For the vast majority of organisations, motivation is a process, not an event. It begins with leaders in the organisation developing an awareness of these needs that drive employees’ behaviour and motivation.