Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Friday, October 21, 2011

Positive Leadership: The Power of Visualisation

Data is not useful until it becomes information, and that's because data is hard for human beings to digest.

This is even more true if its news that contradicts what we've already decided to believe. Can you imagine the incredible mind shift that Mercator's map of the world caused in the people who saw it? One day you believed something, and then a few minutes later, something else.

We repeatedly underestimate how important a story is to help us make sense of the world.

Jess Bachman wants to help you turn the data about the US budget (the largest measured expenditure in the history of mankind) into information that actually changes the way you think.

It is not possible to spend less than ten minutes looking at this, and more probably, you'll be engaged for much longer. And it's definitely not possible to walk away from it unchanged. That's a lot to ask for a single sheet of paper, but that's the power of visualising data and turning it into information.