Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Positive Leadership: Purpose

Do you believe that having a purpose in life is important? We do, and our experience has taught us that having a purpose contributes a great deal to the quality of our lives. Not only that, having a purpose can actually prolong your life.

Several years ago, a study done by Harvard researchers followed two groups of patients in a convalescent home. Members of one group were asked to care for a potted plant during that time. Members of the other group had no such purpose. Those who were plant caretakers lived, on average, twice as long as the others did. You see, a sense of purpose fosters hope, self-motivation and positive feelings about oneself and others.

Viktor Frankl, in his book Man's Search For Meaning found this same result during his time in Nazi concentration camps during WWII. Purpose, or goals if you will, provided the will to live.

Now it is important to remember that, if it’s going to be truly meaningful, your life’s purpose must be something that is chosen freely by you, not something that is chosen for you. And it may have nothing whatever to do with what you do for a living, although, if it does that would be ideal.

Have you thought about what your purpose is? Have you tried to put it into words? If not, take the time to do so, and then use that purpose as a compass to guide your activities. You will be surprised at how much energy and clarity you’ll feel.

And by the way, age has nothing to do with finding purpose in your life. And if you are wondering when you can start – today will do!