Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

The Importance of Core Values

In this Leadership Insights video, Bryson Moore from The Soderquist Centre explains why having core values is so important for small businesses. He also presents a case study and three simple things you can do with values to take your business to the next level.

Leadership Insights - Values and Small Business from Matt Martin on Vimeo.

Educating for Ethics

The Analects covers most of Confucius' teachings and philosophy. He is at the start of a long literary tradition that assumes that good leadership and good followership can, at least to some extent be taught.

Book 1: 1.4 Circa 475-221 BCE

Confucius said, "Clever talk and affected manners are seldom signs of goodness."

Zeng-tzu said, "I examine myself three times a day. When dealing on behalf of others, have I been trustworthy? In intercourse with my friends, have I been faithful? Have I practised what I was taught?"