Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Silicon Valley futurist Paul Saffo has long argued that the best leaders and the best organisations have strong opinions that are weakly held. Strong opinions reflect and instil confidence, and also provide clear guidance about the direction that people should try to go right now. But, since those opinions are weakly held, they don't stand as barriers to change when better information comes along.

Leadership is a Transfer of Belief

As a leader you are not just managing people, you are managing their beliefs. 

Beliefs are contagious. 

As a leader if you don’t believe you can build a great team or organisation then your people won’t believe. 

To win in the marketplace you must first believe you can win in the marketplace and this belief must be transferred to the people in your organisation. 

Great coaches inspire their teams to believe they can win. Great sales managers get their sales people to believe in their product or service. Great teachers inspire their students to believe in themselves.