Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Top Executives Lack Confidence in Corporate Leadership

Top executives consider their companies poorly prepared to face future challenges in terms of leadership line-up, according to a recent global survey of senior executives.  

Nearly 70 percent of executives do not believe there is sufficient leadership potential in such skills as the ability to drive change, drive customer focus, basic business competencies and innovation skills. Additionally, the survey shows that nearly 70 percent of top executives in global companies do not believe they have a well documented succession plan in place. 

In the US, only 32 percent of executives believe there is a succession plan process in place despite the fact that US public companies face increased SEC and shareholder scrutiny to ensure a CEO succession plan has been established.  New SEC guidelines redefine succession planning responsibilities as a key board function. 

For complete study see:

Leadership Lessons from the BP Oil Spill

Lesson 1: Crises expose dysfunctional organisational cultures.
Lesson 2: Leaders must recognise when a crisis can't be spun.
Lesson 3: Leaders need to work together rather than scoring points or deflecting blame.
Lesson 4: Leaders are there to serve their companies, people and communities.
Lesson 5: True leadership exists beyond title and office — elected leaders should remember this.

Character v Reputation

'Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.'

Coach John Wooden

How Can Leaders Build Followers?

Great leaders understand that people will not follow you just because you want them to, or because you say they must. Leaders create a following only by being the type of leader that people want to follow. So the question for aspiring leaders becomes, “How can I get people to want to follow me?”

If you’re a leader with this question on your mind, consider these things:

People follow leaders they trust.

No matter how good you may be at your job, regardless of your skills, knowledge or talent, you will not create a following without first being a person that people can come to know and trust. Character goes much farther than brains when attempting to recruit believers to your cause. People will quickly see through a charade if you are trying to be someone you’re not. Great leaders not only talk the talk, they walk the walk!

People follow leaders who care.

When you want to lead so others will follow, you have to care about them as individuals. When a person feels that he matters as a person, that his opinions are valued and his efforts appreciated, he is far more likely to respond in a positive manner. The more a leader or manager proves genuine interest and concern for his employees, the more loyal his believers and followers will become.

People follow leaders they can talk to.

It is impossible to make the kind of connection necessary for strong leadership support if your followers can’t approach you. You must be available and open to discussion, ready to listen sincerely, and willing to acknowledge valuable input and suggestions. This consistency will help build trust and increase the confidence of your team.

People follow leaders they admire.

The most important trait that others will see and value is a leader’s sense of commitment. A great leader must be ready to give everything he has for the cause he believes in. If a leader cannot demonstrate his own true dedication to the company goals and objectives, how can he expect others to follow along?

People follow leaders they respect.

Respect never comes automatically with position or title, it must be earned. Initially, people may follow along with a leader because he is the person in charge, but ultimately they will follow a leader whom they respect. Being able to do the job well increases a leader’s credibility. It is when things get tough and a leader must stand up to his commitments, that he will develop a following of individuals who respect him and his competence.

All of the above actions are built on the principles of influence, not position. 

Everything a leader does, and everything he says plays a critical role in the way he ultimately influences those around him. It is this influence that builds the trust, confidence and loyalty that every good leader strives for.