Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

What Every Leader Should Know

Every leader should know their people’s responses to each of these questions:

While working for this organisation…
…what’s your greatest hope?
…what’s your greatest fear?
…what would you most like to learn?

Do you know what your team is saying?

Honesty is the Safest Path to Making Money

Warren Buffett is arguably America's most admired investor. He is ceo of Berkshire Hathaway. Here is what he had to say at the 2010 Berkshire Hathaway AGM, one of the highlights of the US financial calendar:

'What led to the financial crisis was a lack of integrity. Honesty is the safest path to making money.'

He explained that the 'everyone's doing it' culture is tough to fight against, especially when there is an army of accountants, lawyers and consultants all driven by an economic interest to push you to do something. But you must fight the fight, he said; 'the best way to prevent such errors of judgement is to be directly accountable for the decisions you make.'