Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Preventing Leadership Failures

What causes a leader to fail? What can we learn from those who have fallen? How do we avoid failure of our own? These are just a few of the question answered in  a new book for leaders and aspiring leaders of all levels by Dr. Tim Irwin.

Derailed: Five Lessons Learned from Catastrophic Failures of Leadership (NelsonFree)chronicles the collapse of six high-profile CEOs, the factors that drove their downfalls, and the lessons that we can learn to avoid derailing our own lives and careers.

True Leadership

True leadership is about bettering the lives of the people around you. That is a simple idea, but far too few people follow it. Too many executives get caught up in making money at any price.

When you make any business decision, about training or compensating employees or dealing with clients or anything else, consider how that decision will make the lives of the people around you better. Do so during both good times and bad times, and you will make better decisions.