Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Art of Leadership

Senator William W. Bradley, 66, is a Managing Director of Allen & Company LLC.  From 2001-2004, he acted as chief outside advisor to McKinsey & Company’s nonprofit practice.  He was a Senior Advisor and Vice Chairman of the International Council of JP Morgan & Co., Inc. from 1997-1999.  During that time, he also worked as an essayist for CBS evening news and was a visiting professor at Stanford University, University of Notre Dame and the University of Maryland.  

Senator Bradley served in the U.S. Senate from 1979 – 1997 representing the state of New Jersey.  In 2000, he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.  Prior to serving in the Senate, he was an Olympic gold medalist in 1964 and a professional basketball player with the New York Knicks from 1967 – 1977 during which time they won 2 NBA championships.  In 1982 he was elected to the Basketball Hall of Fame. 

Here is what he has to say about leadership:

'Leadership means getting people to think, believe, see, and do what they might not have without you. It means possessing the vision to set the right goal and the decisiveness to pursue it single-mindedly. It means being aware of the fears and anxieties felt by those you lead even as you urge them to overcome those fears. It can appear in a speech before hundreds of people or in a dialogue with one other person – or simply by example.'

Ross Perot on Leadership

Ross Perot, the 79-year-old a former independent US Presidential candidate commented recently that many of the US’s problems would be minimised if Americans had access to good public schools, strong family units and a “strong moral ethical base.”

Perot, who said some of his best decisions have been hiring compassionate employees, looks for employees to have integrity and be self-reliant, with a history of success since youth. The Boy Scout programme, he said, is an example of a youth leadership program that sets the stage for achievement.

“Bring me people who love to win,” he said. “If you have to, find people who hate to lose.”

America's Favourite Bosses

Working for the man in charge of Cheerios, Trix and Lucky Charms might seem less glamorous than working for the man behind the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad, but according to new ratings from, General Mills' chief executive officer, Ken Powell, beats out Apple's Steve Jobs as the most popular boss in America.

Glassdoor, a Web site where employees post salary information and reviews of their companies and bosses, has just released its latest ratings of CEOs. The list is based on reviews voluntarily posted by employees who answer the following question: "Do you approve of the way this person is handling the job of leading this company?" One hundred percent of the General Mills employees who answered that question about Powell said "yes," putting their boss in the No. 1 spot. Stanford University President John Hennessy came in second; Jobs ranked third.

One thing all these top-rated bosses have in common is long careers at their companies. Example: Ken Powell joined General Mills in 1979 straight out of Stanford business school. The sixth-rated boss, James Truchard of National Instruments, which makes hardware and software for scientists and engineers, cofounded his company back in 1976.