Strategic Leadership Advisory Services from Positive Leadership

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Spectacular Failure of Political Leadership

'The events of the past week have raised urgent questions about the quality of political leadership in Britain, on the verge of a historic general election. The controversy about Gordon Brown’s alleged bullying is undignified: it has not only further lowered his reputation among the electorate, but it has also damaged Britain’s standing internationally. Yet there has been no sudden transformation of the Conservatives’ position in the polls; on the contrary, their lead is still showing up as a single digit. This apparent failure of leadership is perhaps the hottest single topic of discussion in Westminster, thanks in large part to malcontent Tory MPs who, as one commentator put it this week, are “torn between Schadenfreude and panic” and increasingly wringing their hands in public.'

Corporate Role Models Re-Emphasise Values and Ethics

It's hard to find many bright spots in the increasingly gloomy economy, but they're out there.

Among big companies, IBM and Procter & Gamble are bright spots. IBM's earnings have beaten forecasts; P&G has a robust business and has already integrated its huge Gillette acquisition relatively seamlessly. Why are these and select other companies faring well today? Because they made important changes well before the recession hit full force. This includes, for these two companies, a re-emphasis on values and ethics. This downturn's survivors will be the role models for a new kind of business practice that is more socially responsible, not as an add-on or after-thought but as a first thought at the core of its business operations.

Seeking role models - not just benchmarks - is one way to find an upside in the downturn. It's counterintuitive, because downward spirals or losing streaks tend to push people and companies to withdraw and become insular - like individual depression that might cause people to stay in bed rather than face the world. With a little extra time, or as a pause between bouts of hard work, we can look at positive models, current or historical, to find inspiration.

A time of cynicism and mistrust can be made brighter by focusing on heroes. And because every story of success is also a story about persistence despite obstacles, the lessons can be applied to one's own situation, as a source of inspiration and practical tips. One of the things that most heroes, both top leaders and individuals, have in common is their feeling of obligation to leave a positive mark on the world. They do not stop feeling it just because the going suddenly got tough. This stimulates their creativity, produces innovations that turn out to be valuable in downturns, and motivates effort, no matter what. Their work matters. Think about how Nelson Mandela survived twenty seven years in prison before emerging to become South Africa's first democratically elected president. He never forgot that he was the leader of a movement, and that others depended on him.

The way companies like IBM and P&G emphasise their social mission and get real work done can help build the foundations for a stronger economy.